Reference #448: Organizational Culture and Leadership

Humans relate to their environment in one of several orientations — "doing", "being", and "being-in-becoming".

The "doing" orientation correlates with the assumption that nature can be controlled, and with a belief in human perfectibility. With this orientation, it is taken for granted that humans can and should control their environment and their fate.

The "being" orientation lives at the opposite extreme. It correlates with the belief that nature is powerful and humans are subservient to it. The focus is on acceptance and on the here and now.

In between these two orientations is "being-in-becoming". This covers the belief that an individual harmonises with nature by fully developing her own capacities. The focus is on what the person is and can become — on self-development and self-actualisation rather than on a specific accomplishment.

Schein. Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2017. (98-99)

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