Reference #216: The First 90 Days

According to a Harvard Business Review survey on transitions, accelerated growth (11.6%), startup (13.5%), and turnaround (21.9%) business situations were judged as the least challenging (where % is the percentage of respondents who described the situation as the "most challenging"). This is followed by sustaining success (22.6%) and realignment (30.3%) situations.

This level of difficulty is reflected in the respondents' most preferred situations. 47.1% of respondents most preferred a startup situation, compared with 7.4% who would choose a sustaining success situation.

The split between the fast-moving, action-oriented startup, transition, and accelerated growth situations, and the slower situations of realignment and sustaining success with a focus on learning, reflection, and influence is clear; there is an 80/20 split in preference between these types of situations.

Watkins. The First 90 Days, 2013. (83-84)

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